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Smart watch: trend or necessity?

Smart watch: trend or necessity?

The demand for wearable electronics is growing every day, so today smartwatches that display notifications count calories and the steps taken are no longer surprising. Those who still wear traditional watches are already wondering whether to change their favorite accessory to a modern functional gadget. We are confident that smart gadgets are the future, and smartwatches are no exception. In this article we will tell you why in the modern world, smartwatches are more of a necessity than a trend.

Some statistics

The advent of smartwatches with their wide capabilities and functionality has affected the decline in demand for traditional watches. This is confirmed by the sharp decline in wristwatch sales in most countries.

In terms of product trends, smartwatches (37%) are considered the most popular watches in 2019 with the highest growth potential (41%), followed by quartz analog watches (25%), automatic watches (15%) and electronic watches ( eleven%).

Here are 5 proofs that smartwatches are a necessity, not just a trend.

Instant access to information

To obtain information from a smartphone, some effort is required: get the phone out of the bag, unlock, enter the application, etc. Smart watch in this regard is more practical and more convenient, because they are always at hand, more precisely on it. Just look at your wrist, click on the program, and you are in business. Better yet, use the voice assistant Siri or Google Assistant.

Smart alarm clock

The term "alarm clock" is well known to each of us, because to wake up, we need to wake up. To do this, there is a special program in the phone or you can use a standard alarm clock. But ordinary alarm clocks literally "wrench" you out of sleep, no matter what phase of the cycle you were in. When a person wakes up in the “wrong” phase of sleep, such as during deep sleep, the natural rhythm is disrupted and we feel tired throughout the day. This smartwatch with sleep tracking and smart alarm makes waking up easy as it knows when to wake you up so you don't feel tired and sleepy.

Waking up occurs in REM sleep, when you can really wake up awake. For this, modern gadgets are equipped with a built-in heart rate monitor or heart monitor, which allows wearable technology to track the heart rate, respectively, the technology understands what phase of sleep a person is in and knows when it is best to wake up. For example, you have an alarm set at 8 in the morning, and the clock woke up at 7.30, because it was at that moment that it registered that you are in REM sleep. As a result, you may not sleep for 30 minutes, but wake up more alert than at 8 o'clock.

Fitness functions

Running, biking, yoga, swimming, boxing - these are not all sports where a smartwatch can track your activity. Apple Watch, for example, constantly reminds you to get up, move, stretch, and not sit still. The Activity app shows you how many times a day you warm up, how many calories you burned, how much time you spent on exercise.

The Android Wear hardware platform is also not inferior to watchOS in terms of fitness functionality, and even wins in the range of smart watches. By the way, joggers will be able to leave their smartphone at home and go for a run accompanied by their favorite music, because there are many watch models that can work autonomously. Google Fit is analogous to the Activity program, where you can track different types of activity, including walking, running, cycling and other sports.

Remote control on the wrist

A smart watch is able to control any equipment, like a smartphone, but unlike a smartphone, a smart watch is always on hand, and not somewhere in a jacket pocket or bag. Smart watches will easily become part of a smart home, you just need to install the required application. And, well, the presence of smart technology is also necessary - a TV, a refrigerator, a robot vacuum cleaner, a washing machine, etc.


In crowded places, driving a car, cycling and in other situations when it is difficult to use the phone, smart watches will become a real lifesaver. Having such a watch on your wrist, you can always answer a call or reject it, if you are busy, without taking out your smartphone. Need to send a message? Use the notorious phrase "Ok, Google" and give instructions, for example: "Send mom a message: I'll be there in 10 minutes", smart watch will understand and perform the specified action.

A smart watch is not just a fancy gadget or electronic toy, but a really useful device. The wide functionality offers different scenarios for using the device: for some, a smart watch is a simple "notification", while others make the most of the offered possibilities.

Which choice will you make - a traditional watch or a smart gadget? On our website you can buy a stylish and functional novelty today, do not miss the moment.

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